About Us
During our 97 year history, the key to our longevity and success has been combining our service mission with clever and sometimes outrageous fun. Both sustain us and fuel our continued growth and efforts in the community. Our weekly meetings are conducted in that spirit and the laughter and camaraderie are contagious. Fun and fellowship also accompany our fundraising events and social gatherings.
Membership in the Whittier Host Lions Club is an honor and a privilege, and is by invitation only. We meet at 11:45 AM for lunch, a program, fellowship and fun at the Masonic Temple building at the corner of Greenleaf and Mar Vista in Uptown Whittier. Meetings adjourn at approx. 1:15 PM. When one of our members invites you as a guest, come and check us out and see whether it’s a good fit for you!
During the past ten years, we Whittier Lions have generated over $1.1 Million from our fund raising activities, and have given 100% of those funds back to the greater Whittier community. We are an all-volunteer non-profit service organization, and none of the monies we raise are spent on overhead or other non-direct expenses. Our philanthropic activities have assisted numerous non-profits and individuals in our community including our local YMCA, Boy Scouts, Women and Children’s’ Crisis Shelter, Food Bank, and local schools through the purchase of musical instruments and support of sports teams. During 2014, we were also able to provide a new passenger van to the Boys and Girls Club of Whittier, one of our major beneficiaries over the years.
Our signature program, as well as a major priority to Lions worldwide, is our Glasses for Kids program, which provides eye exams and glasses to Whittier area school children and others who need vision assistance. Annually, we provide the gift of improved sight to hundreds of sight-challenged people in our community.